所属学院:射龙门技巧 科研方向:模式动物及转化医学个人简述: 喻光敏,博士,讲师,毕业于日本广岛大学。吴阶平医学基金会炎症性肠病联盟(CAIBD)会员。主要从事动物疾病模型、疾病机理和新药开发等方面的研究,以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文8篇。承担《Oxid Med Cell Longev》、《Anim Sci J》、《Asian Austral J Anim》等SCI杂志的审稿工作。担任大学生电子商务“创新 创意 创业”挑战赛、大学生创新创业训练计划项目指导教师。
[1] Guang-Min Yu*, Wen Tan*. (2019) Melatonin inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation and oxidative stress in mouse mammary tissue explants. Mediators of Inflammation 2019: 8597159.
[2] Guang-Min Yu#, Yue Wu#, Xian-Long Wang, Shuan Zhao, Teruo Maeda, Shen-Ming Zeng*. (2018) Evaluation of three hormonal protocols for anovulatory lactating cows under regulations restricting the use of estrogenic compounds. Animal Science Journal 89: 640–647.
[3] Guang-Min Yu, Teruo Maeda*. (2018) What else can a robot do? Reducing the use of hormone in the dairy industry! Atlas of Science February 9.
[4] Guang-Min Yu, Teruo Maeda*. (2017) Inline progesterone monitoring in the dairy industry. Trends in Biotechnology 35: 579–582.
[5] Guang-Min Yu, Hirokazu Kubota, Miki Okita, Teruo Maeda*. (2017) The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of melatonin on LPS-stimulated bovine mammary epithelial cells. PLOS ONE 12: e0178525.
[6] Guang-Min Yu, Naoki Isobe, Teruo Maeda*. (2017) Melatonin does not affect progesterone basal secretion but suppresses the luteinizing hormone receptor expression in granulosa cells of the Japanese quail. Journal of Poultry Science 54: 312–318.
[7] Guang-Min Yu, Naoki Isobe, Teruo Maeda*. (2017) Protective effect of melatonin on LPS-stimulated granulosa cells in Japanese quail. Journal of Poultry Science 54: 319–325.
[8] Guang-Min Yu, Jia-Hua Bai, Yan Liu, Teruo Maeda, Shen-Ming Zeng*. (2016) A weekly postpartum PGF2α protocol enhances uterine health in dairy cows. Reproductive Biology 16: 295–299.
[9] Yasuhiro Ogata, Guang-Min Yu, Takemasa Hidaka, Tadami Matzushige, Teruo Maeda*. (2016) Effective embryo production from Holstein cows treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone during early lactation. Theriogenology 86: 1421–1426.
[10] Shuan Zhao, Zhen-Xing Liu, Zhong-Jian Bao,YiWu, Kun Wang, Guang-Min Yu, Cui-Mei Wang, Shen-Ming Zeng*. (2015) Age-associated potency decline in bovine oocytes is delayed by blocking extracellular Ca2+ influx. Theriogenology 83: 1493–1501.
[11] Yu Guangmin#, Ihtesham ul Haq#, Sher Hayat Khan, Zeng Mingsheng*. (2015) Actin filaments are necessary for FSH-induced CYP19A1 transcription in bovine granulosa cells in vitro. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 35: 53–57.
1. 2019–2023,广东工业大学“青年百人计划”科研启动经费,10万元,在研,主持。
2. 2019–2020,国家科技重大专项重大新药创制,290.79万,在研,参加。
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